I believe in God and His wondrous, amazing grace and works. I may not always talk about it but I do believe. Be it right or wrong, I just do not think I need to tell everyone about what He is doing in my life.
But something happened today in the office and it was just too astounding not to share. Or maybe He has been prompting me to share but I have been brushing it aside until now.
We were searching for a patient's card this morning but just could not find it. I already tried to look for it in the room and in the various cabinets yesterday but to no avail. My colleague also tried to look for it when she came to work but she could not find it either. And she could always make cards appear as she just knew where to look.
The patient's last name starts with "M", so she had already searched through the drawer containing that but came up with nothing. Then I looked through "D" to "H", hoping it was in there. Sometimes the card would get stuck with another card and would end up in a different location.
It was not there either. So I decided to just sort through the other cards which were waiting to be filed. Then I started to file the other cards. The first card to file was to go under "A". And the miraculous thing happened.
The first card I saw when I randomly select a card to check the spelling was the CARD we were searching for the entire morning! What are the odds? There were thousands of cards in the office and even in that drawer of "A" to "H", there were hundreds of cards. For the very first one to be that card was too much to be just a coincidence. It was through His grace that I was able to locate it. Already something was prompting me to look through the drawer of "A" to "H", instead of going through the other drawer where "M" was located. But I only looked through "D" section first instead of "A".
To me, that was a clear sign of His work. It also showed that with faith, all things are possible. You can really just cast all your worries and cares and concerns unto Him, and He will carry you through any difficult period. He has always been there for me, with me and sometimes being human, I do forget or may not spend as much time as I should be with Him.
Other incidences where His works were shown:
1. Again, it was card related. My colleague (also a believer) happened to find another patient's card "R" stuck in the "Q" section. The "Q" patient called to make an appointment and so when she went to retrieve the card, she saw the "R" card just behind it. It was really a thankful thing as the "R" patient was known to be difficult and it would be terrible if we could not locate it when he called to make an appointment.
2. The appointments were all jumbled up for one practitioner. There was a mix-up in the appointment time as there were 2 patients with the same first name and similar last names, and one of them called to change the time and even confirmed the identify when I verified the last name. It was more or less resolved the day before the appointment date but it was not an ideal situation. So we just prayed and hoped for the best.
The day came and everything went without a hitch. No patient had less time than allocated and none had to wait for long. The 1st patient came early and subsequent patient also came early, so everything went smoothly for the rest of the day.
From an imperfect schedule, it became a very desirable situation. Everything went like clockwork. Again, to me, it was the work of God.
Apparently my colleague would pray every morning before coming into work for a good day where all cards would be found and everything would be plain sailing. No big hoo-ha or unhappy patients.
All I can say is "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" ~ Philippians 4:13
That has always been the verse I keep with me at all times since I was young, and it is a verse which has always given me hope and faith and strength to carry on in the face of adversity.