The blackberry never really impressed me much. I just didn't care for the bulky size of the usual blackberry. Then I found out about the Blackberry Pearl from another person. Saw the gadget from the website and it is a beauty! The most attractive part is its weight - less than 90g! I'm sold! And it looks like a normal phone, plus it can do many things too. This will definitely be handy since my PDA (Palm Vx - yes, it is that old!) is kinda dying now. The stylus is just not inputing the correct information at all.
Now, I do need to change my almost extinct phone. I am just waiting for the Violet Moto Razr to be launched here but no news of it yet despite us being in the 4th quarter by now. So now I am lusting over the Blackberry Pearl. Hope it gets here before the GST hike :p
Too lazy to extol the greatness or beauty of the Blackberry Pearl, but you can read more about it here.
More info here too: http://www.blackberrypearl.com/
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