Thursday, July 25, 2013

Deja Vu: 2003 and 2013

Suddenly this song is so appropriate. "Just A Fool" - Christina Aguilera featuring Blake Shelton.

It happens again. Deja vu. All so familiar.

2003: My heart was broken
2013: My trust was broken

Different strokes, but the same result.

I do not know how this story will pan out or if it is truly the end of another chapter in my life.

Nothing is guaranteed in life. The lesson learnt in 2003, and to repeated again 10 years later.
Promises are just words. They can be dashed. Shattering dreams and hopes.


Sunshine said...

Hi Carolyn, I had chanced upon your blog quite sometime ago, and have wanted to leave my comments. However, I got back your link only recently as it was saved in my old computer. I have similar experiences like what you have written in your blog. Hope you will remain strong and do not lose your faith that you will find your 'Mr. Suitable' in the process of "filtering" those wrong ones. I did it after meeting a handful of "rotten apples"!

carolyn said...

Thank you for your encouraging words :) Life goes on....hope you are doing well. Enjoy the long weekend :)

Sunshine said...

You are welcome and thank you for your prompt reply. Hope to see more of your blogging soon. :)