Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Birthday Treat - Cambodia

Besides my usual day at the spa on my birthday, I decided to go away in my birthday month. The destination.....Cambodia!

This trip is 10 years overdue. I first booked to visit Siem Reap and Phnom Penh in May 2002. It was cancelled at the last minute as my grandmother was ill then. Despite always wanting to go see Angkor Wat, the trip never materialized.

So I finally decided to just do it end of last year. I asked around my friends to see who would be interested and found 2 friends who were equally keen.

And 10 years later, I will finally get to see Angkor Wat in all its glory this weekend. It will be a short trip as I am only covering Siem Reap. Maybe it is also good that I am going now instead of in 2002. It seemed like it is much more tourist-friendly and has more things and activities now.

We shall see. I am so excited to explore somewhere new and to soak in the culture and history of Cambodia.


biscuitz79 said...

happy belated birthday!! Happy you get to go to cambodia, do have fun there!!

biscuitz79 said...

Am happy you get to go to Cambodia! Happy Belated hatch day! :)

carolyn said...

Thanks! :) Pictures and posts will follow soon. Just need to shortlist them.