I went to Vivocity so many times last month that I feel I know the place very well now. The main reason for going to Vivo is because my fave MA is based at the Tangs there, so no choice. If I want to buy things from MAC, I need to go to Tangs Vivo. No more Tangs Orchard for MAC products.
So why the multiple trips? A few times it was to buy stuff - MAC Ballonancy and MAC C-Shock Collections items. Recently it was to buy the mineralized stuff from the Flashtronic collection.
What did I get? Northern Light MSF - mid tone pink with rust and grey brown veining highlighter blusher. Mineralize eye shadows in Ether (gorgeous deep aqua with silver, black and gold streaks), Tectonic (yellow gold with lime green, warm brown and black veins), Mercurial (yellow gold with lilac and chestnut veining though it looks more lavender pink on me) and Quarry Sky (light blue with olive, coral and beige veining)
Of them, my favorite are Ether and Tectonic. They looked great when paired together. Quarry Sky was quite so-so for me but as usual I got it because it is LE and I am hoping I can get it to work for me. Lol.
ooh.. that's quite a mini-haul ;)
the MSF looks nice in pic... reminds me somewhat of stereo rose. how do you like it?
Hehe, yes it is. Thank goodness some are partially paid for via vouchers. Northern Light is lighter than Stereo Rose but more pigmented than Porcelain Pink. Now I have 4 MSFs and all in shades of pink! :D
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