Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Coeur Noir - Bakerzin

We had a birthday celebration in the office today to celebrate the birthday of one colleague whose birthday is today. Coincidentally today is also the birthday of 2 other pesons I know. Popular day to be born I guess :p

It was also a combined birthday celebration for those born in February, besides January baby. So I'm included too, plus another colleague whose birthday is on this Friday. 3 of us - 3 candles. Also representing my age (by chance!).

Coeur Noir

The cake was from Bakerzin. Absolutely gorgeous! Layers of dark chocolate mousse and sacher sponge, with brandy cherries and hazelnut dacquoise at the base. Surprisingly I can't taste the brandy at all though some colleagues could taste it. Maybe the slice I had didn't have much brandied cherries in it.

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