Saturday, January 06, 2007

Then and Now

It was a rare occasion to get the three of us together again. It has been a long while after we left the company to meet up. The last time the three of us met was probably in 2004 or something.

While I do see Sheryn quite often (as in maybe once a month or alternate month or something and definitely when it is our birthdays and christmas), I have not seen Maggie since 2004 or so. We kept saying we must catch up but somehow work got into the way or we just got busy with our own lives.

So it was really great to get together on New Year's Eve at Maggie's place for a party. Met some other friends of Maggie's too. Just a girls party, which is equally fun and hilarious with the "live" entertainment we got ;p

See how much we have grown and changed:

Then: Oct/Nov 2003

Now: 31 December 2006

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