Tuesday, May 22, 2007

IPL for underarm

After my favorite therapist has left Lifespa, I am trying to finish up my package there and so made an appointment for IPL (intense pulse light) for the underarms. I thought that would be a safe spot to try since the area is smaller and not in an obvious place.

It was with great trepidation that I entered the treatment room. I had no idea what to expect and had always thought it to be painful, something akin to ant bites. The therapist assured me it would not take long and would be painless.

She started off with dry shaving the area, before cleaning it and then applying a cooling gel. The gel was so cold it numbed the entire area. Maybe that was why I didn't feel any pain at all when the zapping started.

Now I am quite tempted to sign up for an IPL package. She said it might take 8-12 sessions for the hair follicles to be dormant. It is not a permanent treatment, a common perception due to uninformed sales consultants at various places, and the hair could grow back again after 2-3 years or later (depends on individual). It is so convenient, just zap and go. Waxing is much more painful and there is the redness to deal with. I also like that IPL will lighten the skin too.

Let's see if my negotiation skills will be good enough to get to a price I am comfortable with ;)

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