Sunday, April 26, 2009

Pontian Wanton Mee @ FEP

We were at Far East Plaza (FEP) and were thinking where to go for lunch when we stumbled upon Pontian Wanton Mee at a corner in the basement level. It is actually quite an obscure area, then again, most stores inside FEP are located in hard to find places.

It was about 130pm or so and not too crowded, and so we were able to get a table for us and a pram. The tables looked toy-like with its pink and blue paint.

Ordering the food was another challenge. There was a line to order the noodles (size - big or small, followed by the type of sauces - black, ketchup, chili, black with chili, etc), desserts and drinks. Then you need to go to the next line to pick up your drinks. Then you go back to your table and wait for your order number which will be flashed on the electronic board. Quite high-tech, huh?
I ordered the large wanton noodles with black sauce and chili. This was good! I liked it! This was the first time I had Pontian wanton noodles though I had seen them around. Large size just meant more noodles, ingredients for small and large were more or less the same. I loved that they were generous with the veggies. 4 fried wantons (I ate one already before taking the pic, too hungry :p), char siew and greens with QQ noodles and slurp-worthy sauce.
Regular wantons in the soup. Soup was so-so though. The wantons were nice too, but the wantons at Kovan were still better as they had better taste.

We shared a side order of fried wantons which were plenty. Think there were 15 wantons or so in there? We didn't finish it at all.

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