Saturday, September 02, 2006

Arabic Bellydance

Msafer by Mohamed Abdel Wahab, danced by Yamsaffer Wahdak.

This is so mesmerizing. I think I found a new use for YouTube. I know it has been around for ages and people do post videos of themselves and stuff, but I never really check it out until today. Surprisingly and amazingly, my connection was really good today and there was no lag at all when I was viewing some videos.

I think I will be spending lots of hours watching bellydancing clips and trying to improve on my own movements now :p Some are so good, and some are not so (I cringed when I saw some performances by amateurs*...and I hope I was not like that when I performed previously).

As they say, practice is key.

*by amateur, I mean those who were not keen to perform but had no choice as it was a class thing...and the video was obviously put up by others and not themselves.

P.S. Can someone advise me on how to re-size the video from Youtube? TIA.

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