Friday, November 09, 2007

Betty Crocker Tuna Helper

I used to be a big fan of Betty Crocker Tuna Helper and Hamburger Helper when I was living on my own in Canada and had to cook. Now I try to eat more healthily, meaning less junk food and processed or instant food.

I was at Wal-Mart the other day and saw BC Tuna Helper and somehow I just want to re-live the student days and so bought one - the Au Gratin. I can't find the version online but you could use the Cheesy Pasta too.

It was so cheesy that I thought this could be an easy way to make the "orgasmic" chili cheesy pasta. Just add chili tuna instead of regular tuna. You don't need to add more cheese too. So you will just need the package mix, water, milk, butter and chili tuna. I also added peas and chopped onions as I like that. You could add your own vegetables into the pot so that you can get a balance meal. Alternatively, serve it together with a salad.

Voila, dinner is served :)

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