Thursday, July 09, 2009

Chiropractor Care in Singapore

Did you know it is quite hard to find a good chiropractor in Singapore? I guess it is probably not easy to find one in any country, especially someone whom you can be comfortable with. As with any physician, you do want to go to someone whom you feel you can trust with your health and life and whom you could respect and have an affinity with.

So since I came back from Canada in December 2007, I have been looking for a chiropractor. I looked at the various websites and also at the list of registered chiropractors in Singapore but I did not feel assured of them at all.

I met one chiropractor at the atrium of Forum Shopping Mall when there was a roadshow. I spoke to him and I did not feel he genuinely wants to heal people. His philosophy was different from mine. What I got from that few minutes was that he was more monetary focused and was more interested in getting me to sign for a consultation in the office, plus x-rays which would cost me close to $500 just for that? Even after I told him I already had x-rays done before and I was undergoing chiropractic care in Vancouver previously and so already knew my problem areas.

So I striked that company out (it is part of a chain in Singapore and I never really trust that). Then I met 2 other chiropractors at the Holistic Living Fair (now known as Body Mind Spirit Festival) in April 2009 at Fort Canning Park. One seemed not too bad but he was too busy to want to talk to me, so he missed out on a potential customer. The other chiropractor, he seemed ok but also did not resonate with me. I KIV him and would have gone to see him for a consultation soon if something did not happen.

That something was - I finally found a chiropractor to treat me - yay!

It was quite a fluke. I was at Spa Infinity last November and I saw that there would be a chiropractor in the premises to provide chiropractic care. Somehow I never make it for the free consultation until Tuesday. I was trying to fill my time and managed to book a massage at Spa Infinity and so decided to get an appointment with the chiropractor over there.

The posters in the treatment room reminded me the chiropractor in Vancouver, and after talking to him, I felt that we were on the same page. We shared the same thoughts and philosophy on chiropractic care.

It turned out that Dr Dylan Altfeld of Infinity Chiropractic graduated from the same school as Dr Trevor Kilian of Kilian Chiropractic whom I was seeing for treatment in Vancouver. Immediately I felt a sense of relief as I realized they more or less had the same methods of treatments.

Dylan had a practice in California for over 12 years before he sold it and moved to Singapore to practice. He will be here for another 2 years so that is good news. I told him about my treatments in Vancouver and that I had x-rays taken before and what Trevor told me about my condition (Stage 2 of Spinal Degeneration). I asked if I would need more x-ray (since the guy from Forum said I need new x-ray), and Dylan said it was not necessary since mine was taken within 2 years.

He immediately googled for Trevor's practice and found it. So we checked out his website Kilian Chiropractic and Dylan got a sense of Trevor's method of treating patients and felt it was similar to his setup in California. Dylan said he would email Trevor for my x-ray details as well as what had been done for my treatments. And he did that right after my session with him. That was what Trevor mentioned previously. Once I find a chiropractor in Singapore, he would be more than happy to let the doctor know about my info.

What a difference a good chiropractor can be. I get the sense that Dylan is also interested in healing people, like Trevor is. There is no hardselling at all. It is all very straight forward and simple. It probably helps that I already know what chiropractic care is, so Dylan did not have to explain much to me. He treats you like a person, and it so reminds me of home in Canada, of the people there and how there is always interaction and chatting.

In any case, he recommended me to take up the 50 sessions package as that is more cost savings. I figure I will probably need more as I needed at least 91 sessions for a 1 year program under Trevor. Anyway, I signed up for the package as health is so important.

Dylan found out that now my C-6 is affected. So that needs to be corrected first before he can try to correct the C-4 and C-5 which were previously highlighted by Trevor. Dylan is also very interested to know more about my lower back as he feels something there, so he will also communicate with Trevor on that.

So far I have had 2 sessions with Dylan and I am extremely happy about that. Dylan actually did more adjustments than Trevor did with me.

1st session: adjusted the neck, and back.
2nd session: adjusted the neck, back and lower back.

That felt sooooo good. My body definitely misses that. Now I am going for the thrice weekly treatments for July. I hope it will really help in aligning my spine and reduce my headaches/migraines and subsequently weight loss.


Biz4Cash said...

Can you give me Dr Altfeld's contact info. I've been looking for a chiro like him for a while.

carolyn said...

Sure, please email me or leave your email behind.

snowgirlpineneedlevillage said...

Hi I am really glad you took the time to write this.My husband and I have been looking for a chiro since we left canada.I had been seeing one for a year and it has been difficult to figure out what to do.We have checked out the chiro meat market and 3 min adjustments and the hard selling.It seems as though all of this is about making more money not actually helping people,i also know about chiro care and believe me it has been disapointing to see what is here.I would love if you could please give me Dr.Altfeld's contact information,my husband and I would be very grateful.please e-mail me at

carolyn said...

Hi! Thanks for dropping by my blog and I'm glad to be able to share my experience on here. I've emailed you the contact details and hope you and your husband will feel better soon :)

fish in da bowl said...

hey carolyn, I would like to hear more abt ur exp w dr dylan. I am a unhappy 'customer' from other hardselling commercialized chiro center. Would you be able to drop me an email?

Unknown said...

Hi, thank you for posting this info online. I am looking for a chiro. Can you email me his details?

Thank you


carolyn said...

Sure, Audrey. I would need your email. Please email me or leave it here.

MT said...

I went to Spa Infinity to see Dr Altfeld and frankly speaking I was very impressed. However Spa Infinity is a chain kind of operation and they do hard selling to you after Altfeld sees you. My upper back problem has been there for 20 years, Dr Altfeld recommended me a 30 session package. However when I spoke to the sales person, he told me to take 40 sessions for $80 each telling me 30 sessions will cost $90 instead. There was no room for consideration. Either take that, or it will be $150 per session thereafter. I was quite turned off, and the sales tried to sell me 20, 10, 5 sessions when he noticed I was a bit pissed. I simply walked off.

Frankly speaking if Dr Altfeld operated on his own and charges a fixed price or package many people in need of help will patronise him. He is sincere in healing people i gather that, but Spa Infinity is like more interested in milking him. He is too good for this. If one day he operates out of the Spa chain i don't mind taking up a package. Till then I will just monitor as my condition is not that bad. I just cannot stand such hard selling where anything goes. The sales determine how much to charge and the frequency rather than the doctor.

tgd said...

MT: Just wrote you a novel of a response and then google asked me to write in my phone number, which is fine, though then it spontaneously closed the page; geez, hope you got it Carolyn.

I am so very sorry to hear about your situation; kindly email me and we will sort something out more to you liking, comfort and feasibility relative to your condition.

You can reach me at

All the best in health, naturally!


Dr. Dylan Altfeld
Infinity Chiropractic, located within Spa Infinity (Far East Shopping Centre, B1-22)

PS: the absence of pain, does not equate to a cure; get it addressed, if not by me, by someone; granted I have, I kid you not, tried 9 (NINE) Chiropractors in SG and still not found exactly what I am looking for; such is life as a chiropractor. Good luck! Dr. D

PS: Dr. D. can't yet open his own office in this country as I am not yet capitally inclined to do so or else it would be done already, simply by the demand, guys are truly great. All the best, DA

tgd said...

ah, another thing, I don't love the word "package" in Singapore, it seems to indicate that the patient will respond if they come as and when they please; I prefer "treatment plan" as it is a treatment, director by your doc, hopefully yours tuly, ;), though being in the spa, I could just never get into that word as it related to health care. No disrespect intended, just my personal preference I suppose, perhaps a matter of semantics...Aloha, DA

tgd said...


I suppose i should have clarified. Quite frankly, I truly love practicing within Spa Infinity. Granted, everything has its pros and cons, though I have had to come up with solutions for most every situation a patient "could" potentially get concerned with (just as with any practice), though when over 95% of your patients enjoy the spa as a "bonus"/Value added service, it is truly a plus.

On top of that, I have a fantastic, ethical and honest partner who used to be a national swimmer for Singapore and competed in the Sydney Olympics for SG.

I am honestly even thrilled to be after nearly over a decade of "clinical" (white coat, tie etc...)despite the fact that I don't (yet, LOL) practice in slippers and probably never will ;), I don't think it would exactly be "too professional" (granted at the end of the day, I suppose you guys just want to be "fixed" and/or feel better anyway, right?

Again, Carolyn, you have been great in so many ways. I thank you for spreading word about chiropractic much less within a great forum of your blog about our great ambiance for me to practice within a spa; a truly unique and special experience in and of itself; further giving patients the opportunity to heal in a healthy, warm, friendly environment; the spa experience for patients (and for me) continues to be a great one in more than one way/regard- and quickly approaching three years!

I don't see myself going anywhere anytime soon; honestly, we love Singapore; from safety to transportation; sure their can be a lot to complain about, but life if full of choices, just like the decision for health is a choice...I guess some of you will have to come check it out for yourself. I will always try and get you the best ongoing promotion we have at the time, for your initial consultation, exam and initial treatment in the event you want to give it a shot!

In best of health,

Dr. D

tgd said...

Alas, you have asked for many years and now I am in an opportunity that is no longer in the spa. It seems several patients have indeed come over from the spa; while unfortunately, some have faced more difficulty simply staying with the chiropractor of their choice; such is life in Singapore, within a spa no less perhaps, I suppose.

At any rate; I look forward to seeing those of you who simply didn't want to see a chiropractor within the spa and in a more clinical, yet "warmer" environment; but alas, not a spa nonetheless.

Thanks kindly for all of the continued support and well wishes.

In best of health, naturally.

Dr. Dylan

Ods said...

Dr D, googled but couldn't locate your new contact. Please email me at when you are able to. Thanks.

carolyn said...

I've emailed you his new contact info.

cruise said...

I cant find Dr Dylan Altfeld in Infinity Chiropractic located in Orchard rd anymore. It seems to be Dr Alex Karaplis. Is this the same clinic being mentioned here or is there a change in chiropractor now? pls advise. tks.

carolyn said...

Dr Dylan is now at Concierge Chiropractic near DFS building.