Monday, August 14, 2006

Blood Type Diet

I have heard about eating according to your blood type but I have never really follow it or pay much attention to it....until now. It does seem pretty interesting, though the book is still quite deep and confusing to dig through.

The gist of what I read in the book is that it seemed like Type A (yes, that is me) is meant to be a vegetarian. No meat or much seafood and dairy products. Just fish (esp those rich in Omega 3 and 6) and veggies and beans and starch. Woo hoo! It doesn't sound that hard to follow since I am not that big on meat, but I have to give up beef. Sob. Chicken and turkey are considered neutral food so I can still have that. I can't have any prawns and crabs, lobsters, mussels, oysters, scallops, basically all shell fish. Sad. I can't have all potatoes, tomatoes, chilies, peppers, cheese (except feta, mozzarella, ricotta), milk, ice cream.

There are lots more, but still trying to remember what I can and not eat.

The website contains a list of food and recipes.

Other information contained in the book is quite surprisingly. It recommends Type A to sleep early, by 11pm to be in bed. So I am way past the bedtime now :p

And that we are prone to stress and yoga, tai chi or any deep calming breathing exercises are good for us. We are also not meant to watch violent movies. So true. And it is beneficial to have aromatherapy in the room and that we tend to internalize thoughts, stress causing again. Music is good for Type A, to destress. Hehe. I find that is quite true for me.

Maybe that is why I love going to spas so much, just to relax. And why I always need to have the radio on or some music playing in the background. And why I like bodybalance and yoga class.

1 comment:

celest said...

no wonder i tend to lose weight when i'm on holiday/ not-working - sleeping good and long hours *lol* (i'm A+ too). now i can finally explain to friends why i actually put on weight when i work long hectic hours :P ok, looks like i'm w-a-y past my designated bedtime too... goodnight.