Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Royce Chocolates

Ok, I broke down and polished off the entire box of Royce Chocolates *guilty look* But hey, so now you get to see what it looks like inside the packaging :p

Look at the fantastic packaging which only the Japanese can come up with (you have to agree that they are into packaging). Besides sealing up the delectable morsels, they also very thoughtfully provided a "pick" for you to consume the chocolate on the spot. Hahaha.

Check out the website It is in Japanese though, but who cares if you can feast your eyes on the various chocolate available.

Okay, so I actually ate all that, but it is just too good to resist or to stop at two. Btw, there is a plastic cover after you tear open the plastic wrap, so you can actually keep them in the fridge for another day. The chocolate is smooth, and can melt in your mouth.

Despite me raving all about Royce, I actually only consume like 1 to 2 boxes per year. Yes, I only indulge during the festive periods. Maybe it is a good thing Royce is only available at 2 locations in Singapore (Suntec City and Takashimaya) as it is quite a hassle to buy it.

The chocolate needs to be kept at a cool temperature (preferably fridge temp), so the SA will actually wrap the chocolate in an ice/freezer bag with dry ice which will allow the chocolate to remain outdoors for 2-3 hours.


celest said...
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celest said...

hahaha... you really finished them ALL in one helping?? royce should invite you to star in their TV commercial for that ;) i agree - royce chocolates are such true delicacy! so precious that i only allowed brother and i to have ONE piece every night after dinner! hahaha.. not to make you feel guilty, but it took us 2 weeks to finish that box from christmas :P