Sunday, January 01, 2006

Why Mocha Latte?

When this blog was created, I was wondering what it shall be. My life? My interests? My views? It is not easy to maintain blogs, to keep updating it, especially when time is a precious commodity.

I finally decided to make it a frivolous blog, mainly on food, restaurants and spas as they are what I am keen on and have visited plenty. Hopefully, the subsequent reviews will help others too. And who knows, maybe it will be a gateway for me to be a food critic in future. Hahahaha.

For now...I am paying tribute to my blog's name. Mocha Latte. Coffee culture has evolved so much. It is no longer just a simple black coffee or coffee with milk and sugar; there are now more variations. Mocha, frappuccino, cuppuccino, latte, americano, machiato and the list goes on.

I am usually a mocha person as it contains 2 of my fave beverage: coffee and chocolate. I am not that keen on latte or americano, etc.

The first time I ordered a mocha latte from this little cafe (Corica - famous for their apple strudel in Australia) in Singapore. I was amazed by the way it was made ~ the different layers of the coffee, milk and mocha. Simply gorgeous!

Not many places actually focus or bother about presentation, yet this tiny cafe, which specializes more in strudels rather than coffee, did. And so, came my blog's name. Mocha latte - many layers of goodies. One has to be patient to get to the prize ~ chocolate syrup at the bottom

While mocha is always in my heart, I have grown, and so have my taste. Now I tend to order different drinks at different places.

Starbucks (still my fave) - Caramel machiato, mocha valencia (only available during CNY)
Coffee Bean - mocha latte (I think they have this, not sure)

Don't really go to other coffee places, so I am clueless about other popular coffee joints. At restaurants, I tend to order cuppuccino to gauge how good they are in making beverage. That will be another story.


Anonymous said...

Ahh... this is where ur name come from, Coffeelover. Already feel warm and cozy in here, as if I m sitting in a little country cafe by the dancing fireplace, a little safe haven from the blizzard outside, enjoying a steamin' aromatic creamy cuppa...


monochromatix said...

Looking forward to reading up ;) Hehe, posting should get easier with time, I'm still trying to build my habit :p

carolyn said...

Thanks monochromatix. I think you are much better than me with blogspot. Just realized you have several blogs under the same userid.

I will need to explore and ask around on how to link friends' blogs to mine, etc. When I have time, that is :)