Fried rice is a simple dish, which almost every Singaporean (or Indonesian/Malaysian/ far I can't recall if Indians have their own version too) household will have its own recipe. It is like the pho which every Vietnamese household will cook (at least according to my Vietnamese friend).
I like my fried rice to be spicy and with lots of fried shallots as they bring out the fragrance and flavor of the rice. And I tend to cook it with very little oil, I'm scared of using oil, hence I tend to avoid cooking deep-fried food. But alas, deep-fried food tastes so good though. A dilemma which I solve by eating out. Haha. I go by the maxim of "out of sight, out of mind" or "what I don't see can't hurt me" :p

Salmon Fried Rice
sliced celery
frozen veggies of carrots, peas and corns
minced garlic
1 salmon steak (deboned & sprinkled with lemon juice)
1tsp of chili paste
1 egg
1 cup of cooked rice
Heat the wok or frying pan. Add oil/butter when hot. Saute the garlic (and chopped onions if desired), then add veggies when garlic is browned. Crack the egg into the pan and mixed with the veggies. When done, add the chili paste and stir fry. Add salmon to pan fry before adding the rice finally and mix it all around.
This was what was done as my helper did the initial part (frying the veggies and defrosting the salmon in the microwave, and turned out it cooked the salmon) without checking with me, which is why it is quite oily. If I did the entire thing. It will be this way.
1. Heat pan, add butter when hot. (I like using butter for the aromatic fragrance)
2. Saute the garlic
3. Pan fry the salmon to semi cook it. Remove when done.
4. Saute the veggies.
5. Fry the egg (2 ways, either beat egg and fry, then sliced to garnish. Or...fry egg with the mixture)
6. Add chili paste to the mixture. Return the salmon to cook and "mash" into pieces.
7. Add rice and mix them well.
8. Pepper to taste or sprinkle more lemon juice to give the oomph.
I think I will post my other recipe another time. But basically it is the same principle. Except instead of chili paste, I actually add sliced chili padis to it. So it is really really spicy.
Maybe the reason why I didn't find this that great is that it is not spicy enough. Hehe.
Mmm... looks good :D
Haiz... I'm too lazy, must spend more time learning to cook :p
How much is that plate of good looking wonderful smelling fried rice, chef? Gimme 1 large sized, more chilli, thank you. Oh, be more generous on the shallots please.
monochromatix: fried rice is easy, just dump everything edible into the pan and fry with rice :p
Light: That shall be $20, please. Hahahaha. Salmon is expensive :p
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