Saturday, September 05, 2009

Elvis Toast Set @ The Canteen

This is my new favorite afternoon tea snack ~ Elvis toast set with Kopi - C from The Canteen at Shaw House. Or is it Shaw Centre? I can never get it right. Anyway, The Canteen is just outside Isetan Scotts, next to Canele. Under the Les Amis group, it serves local dishes. In the afternoon, they will serve different types of toast with coffee or tea.

This is absolutely the best toast I ever had. The bread is crispy on the outside and soft on the inside, with rich buttery taste exploding in the mouth with each bite. The peanut butter is smooth and sticks on the roof of the mouth which is super nice. The banana is mashed up finely and the sweetness contrasts marvelously with the salty sticky peanut butter.

It is a decent huge piece of toast too, and is a substantial snack. You get to choose the type of coffee or tea (regular or with evaporated milk or black) which is nice.

1 comment:

stardust979 said...

Oh Les Amis, really good food! :) Picture looks appetising! :) You can trust Les Amis to do a good job with food ;)