Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Tea break @ The Canteen

After the very nice Elvis toast I had the other day, I went to The Canteen again with another friend. I realized I tend to go to the same few places and maybe try out new places every few months.

Then again, it could be that I am always in the Orchard area and there just are not that many new places (besides ION Orchard) to try out?

Anyway, I decided to try the sardine toast tea set. It was a bit of a disappointment as the bread was thick and it was not toasted till crispy brown. So the edges were just toasted and the inside was soft though not soggy. The sardine filling was nice, a bit spicy with just a slight hint of tanginess. The regular coffee was also much better than the kopi-c I ordered previously.

Then we spilt another order of the Elvis as this was not very satisfying at all. TT was also underwhelmed by her smoked salmon on scrambled egg toast set. The Elvis was soooo good as usual. I would not bother trying the other toasts in future and just stick with the Elvis.

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