So it is not a wonder that I don't see so many stores, unlike other bakeries/fast food joints like Tom Hortons, Dairy Queen, etc.
So finally I got to try the donuts from Krispy Kreme again, fresh from the fryer in North Seattle :p Funnily I didn't really see it in downtown Seattle though a search online showed that there is actually a store just 1 block away from Pike Place.

Here is my verdict on KK donuts. It is simply too sweet for my liking. Granted it is quite soft but just not that fantastic. I still very much prefer Donut Factory in Singapore. Tim Horton's donuts are sweet too but not as sweet as Krispy Kreme.
We almost dumped the entire box of donuts away. Lol. I took it back and gave to my friends back in Vancouver, so nothing was wasted. Or not that I know of. I only tried 3 donuts.
hey..what's with that donut place? my sis been bring back boxes from there everytime she drops & i'm starting to get a little tired of it.
overrated :p it is supposed to be really light and airy, especially when fresh out of the fryer. warm and light. i think many people in singapore envy you for the boxes your sis always bring back :p
i always go for the non-traditional flavours eg. cookies n' creme, cinnamon etc. in fact i've never tried the simple honey-glazed. i agree it's very very sweet, but i do like them (though i suspect 70% of the enjoyment comes from its novelty - of it not being available in singapore) + 20% seeing how beautiful they look lined up in rows (freshly made) :)
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