I had to go get a new phone since I lost mine on Sunday. I just hate losing the information and contacts more than the phone itself. After making all the necessary reports, I popped down to M1 yesterday and got this Nokia 6121 Classic. Not exactly my first choice. I still want my blackberry pearl. Unfortunately it is no longer selling at M1 shops, and other phones which looked not too bad were out of stock. Sigh.
The irony is not lost on me too that I could have gotten a better deal on phone during the IT Show since it was a Sunday I lost my phone and the last day of the IT Show. The guy at Arrow Communications at Suntec was very helpful and helped me narrowed down my choices to either this Nokia 6121 Classic (the N6120 looked better as it came in black too where 6121 only comes in this fugly blue) or a LG K195 based on my criteria of a light phone (preferably below 90gm) and to be able to use in all countries.
Of the two, the N6121 is better for the camera, video and other apps but the LG is lighter than the Nokia. I didn't buy from the guy (it could be without contract and much cheaper than M1 shops) as I want to get the Blackberry Pearl (he advised me against it as there is not much support for Blackberry products in Singapore, hence its unpopularity here) and that was apparently available at M1 Paragon. I got there and the SA said those sets shown on their internal website were the faulty sets, so there was actually none available at M1 at all. The sales hotline staff should sync or check with the shop staff.
So everything I was contemplating was sold out. Everything except the Nokia 6121. The LG was gone. Nokia 6500 Classic (both slider and regular) were sold out. A Sony Ericsson also not available. So yeah, left the fugly 6121. Usually when the telcos give $0 to a phone, it is usually a lousy phone or an ugly phone. Guess they knew the blue would never sell on its own.
I don't believe it can be possible but I actually miss my Moto Razr. I miss being able to flip the phone open and I miss being able to touch the side button to see the time being lit. Plus the messaging and keying in contact information were so much easier.
Maybe I only like the old Nokia where it was really idiot-proof with less features and functions. But this N6121 has too many things and I find I need to click a lot just to be able to create a new text message. I can't send contact information as past of a text message, meaning I can't edit any info or add on more info. The buttons are tiny and I keep pressing the wrong buttons.
Another reason for getting the Nokia is the software for backup on pc. That took a long time as I didn't know that I need to keep refreshing the contact list to update new information. I only found out after keying in like 1/3 of my contacts. I wasted more time doing that than the actual keying into the phone.
So at the moment, I am not a happy camper with my Nokia. The music given was awful. Sigh. Why do I get the feeling that Nokia is like Microsoft. Huge and unwieldy. Whereas Moto is like Apple - most people think it is not user-friendly until they tried it and became a convert.
Whatever it is, I dislike having to get a phone in a rush. I think I was supposed to get a new bluetooth headset with this phone, but the SA never pass it to me. Guess it doesn't matter since based on past experience, I don't really find the headset useful at all. I prefer the speaker phone.
Guess what? I just read in papers today that the Blackberry Pearl 8110 is available at Singtel shops. Darn! I guess only Singtel will really carry it. Sigh. But it is pricey at $500+ with 2 years plan too.
if given choice b% nokia 6121 and 6120? which one is better and have 2bd camera for video & wireless connection?
I have no idea. Not a phone person. Not into Nokia phone now, best to ask the shop assistants.
I just bought a nokia 6121 and I think that is a good phone. I did research first and it is better than the N series nokia phones (speed, reliability, quality, keypad) and it has great features, and I have it in shiny black and chrome. I agree that the buttons are almost unusable, especially the 'clear' and 'settings' buttons, and the menu is too small and complex compared to previous versions. However with its drawbacks I am happy with the phone, and for its price there is little that is better.
As a suggestion, you could apply a different faceplate, like pink or gold, and then it will look better.
Thanks for the suggestion, I will look into getting a difference faceplate :)
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