Friday, March 21, 2008

So Ill

I have never been so sick in my life. Well, maybe there had been occasions but not a frequent occurence.

So I woke up on Wednesday with a sore throat. Uh-0h. Since then I have been drowning myself with water and taking honey and drinking honeyed water. It didn't seem to work. By the end of Wednesday, I was feeling achy and chills and headache.

Got home, gargled with salt water and went straight to bed after a quick shower. That was so early. I slept from 9pm till 720am and felt better. At least the achy body and shivering were gone but the throat was still a bit sore.

Continued with the salt water gargle and more water drinking. The headache came back in the evening. It was so bad that I felt nausea. Bad migraine. And last night was horrible. I went to bed around 9pm again and woke at 2ish am. I could not sleep due to the migraine and nausea. I took the anti-nausea pill from previous doctor visits but I didn't have the super strong pills for migraine. Regular panadol which I took, didn't work either.

Threw up and gave up on trying to laying in bed. So I actually got up to sort out the business cards so that I can find my doctor's card. In the end, I went back to bed again at around 5am and slept fitfully till 9am.

I found out the clinic will be closed today since it is Good Friday. Darn it! I guess I will have to go tomorrow to get the migraine pills for standby against future attacks. I just hope the headache will not come back tonight again. It seemed to only get worse in the evening. The throat is still a bit red, not totally well yet.

I just hate being ill. This totally caught me by surprise since I was alright the days before.

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