More pictures from Queen Elizabeth Park

Maple tree in the background, changing colors. See my colored hair glowed in the fading sunlight

My shadow. I love taking pictures of shadows now ;p

Another shadow on the hedge

Many branches in the sky. I love the effect of how it frames the city in the distance.

Winter is truly coming very soon. Check out the carpet of fallen leaves on the ground.

The wall where the city is in the background

Another view of the city and more of me ;p

Another pic of the same thing. Lol.

If you look closely, the snow-capped mountain in the distance is actually Mount Baker down in Washington State. Click on picture for the full image.

I quite like this picture, the lone flower. Don't the black thing (can't remember what they are called) look like berries?

Some sort of berries or plants or flowers.

Trying to be artistic. Hahahaha. I think this is a fir tree, perfect for Christmas

See how fast the mallard (or is it a loon?) is paddling underneath the water. I like the teal head and the blue side. Click on pic to get full effect of the ripples of the water.
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